\nThe best way to learn a language is to build a real-world project. I do this with my students in real life, and it is always effective!
\nI constructed this course to teach you how to create from A to Z:
\nWe will also learn how to deploy those applications to the AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud provider. I will guide you at each step of the process.
\n\nThis course is composed of {{ this.lessons.length }} video lectures with a total duration of {{ this.totalDuration }}.
\nYou will find in the sessions application exercises that will allow you to practice at your pace. The corrections of exercises are filmed. That way, you can learn from your errors and see me coding.
\nYou will also find some theory in sessions when needed!
\nIf you want to get started with programming, you can take this course as I tried to make it accessible to everyone. The only pre-requisite is to have a computer at your disposal.\n Experienced developers can also be interested in this course if they want to strengthen their knowledge.
\nA computer with Internet Access
\nA code editor (IntelliJ Goland or Visual Studio Code)
\nInput your email address to receive free videos:
\n \n{{lesson.duration}}\n Premium\n Free\n
\n \n